August 2021 —
The MLO Minute: By Alexander Corbin, Esq. —
On Tuesday, August 10, 2021, Delaware Governor John Carney issued a universal mask mandate for all schools and state buildings. According to the mandate, all students, educators, and staff in K-12 schools will be required to wear face masks, regardless of vaccination status. This mandate went into effect yesterday, August 16, 2021, and follows CDC guidance that was issued in the wake of the Delta variant. In addition, children, aged two and up, in childcare centers are “strongly encouraged” to wear masks.
This mandate may have an impact on your student’s education, especially if they require special education services, or are immunocompromised. For some students with disabilities, wearing a mask negatively effects a student’s education and potentially creates section 504, or IDEA, issues. If you have concerns about your child’s education or IEP, please do not hesitate to reach out to our firm for a FREE consultation. Call us today at 302-380-4975 or Click here to Contact Us!