Lesley M. Mehalick, J.D., LL.M.
Shareholder and Supervising Partner of the Estates and Trusts Department
Ms. Mehalick is a shareholder of McAndrews Law Offices and the supervising partner for the firm’s estates and trusts department. She is an accomplished estates and trusts attorney whose practice includes Estate Planning, Special Needs Trusts, Guardianship, Post – Litigation Planning, Personal Injury Settlement Planning, Trust Administration Counseling, Waiver Program Counseling, Medicaid/Social Security Compliance, Estate Administration, Elder Law Planning, and Orphans Court matters.
Ms. Mehalick has extensive experience in post-litigation planning and utilizing various techniques and trusts designed to meet the specific needs of the plaintiff, which may include maintaining eligibility for public benefits or making a plan to protect the monies. She regularly assists families in navigating through special needs planning, whether a young child, adult or elder family member is involved. These efforts include qualifying clients for public benefits when they receive a lawsuit recovery, preparing special needs trusts, bringing guardianship proceedings, and carefully crafting an estate plan that maintains a disabled family member’s eligibility for essential public benefits.
She is privileged to counsel clients regarding elder law issues and ways to protect the assets and promote the dignity of loved ones who may require skilled nursing care. She regularly appears in Orphans’ Court and she is a frequent lecturer to both attorneys and families on these topics. Ms. Mehalick previously practiced civil litigation in Northern Virginia, and she has litigated suits in both Virginia and Maryland. Prior to her private practice, she served as the judicial law clerk for the Honorable Stanley P. Klein, Judge of the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax County, Virginia. Ms. Mehalick holds an LL.M. (Master of Laws) in Taxation and a Certification in Estate Planning from the Villanova University School of Law, Graduate Tax Program, and she received her J.D. from the George Washington University Law School, where she served as the executive articles editor on the American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal. In addition to maintaining her practice at McAndrews Law, Ms. Mehalick serves as an Adjunct Professor of Taxation and Special Needs Planning at the American College of Financial Services.
- Villanova University School of Law, LL.M. (Taxation) and Certification in Estate Planning
- George Washington University School of Law, Juris Doctor
- Pennsylvania State University, B.A. (Political Science and Spanish), minor in International Studies
Honors & Affiliations
- Adjunct Professor of Taxation and Special Needs Planning, The American College of Financial Services (2012 – Present)
- Board Member for Special Equestrians, Therapeutic Riding Center
- Philadelphia Estate Planning Council
- Pennsylvania Bar Association
- Volunteer for Wills for Heroes
- Executive Articles Editor, American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal (2000-2001)
- Judicial Law Clerk for the Honorable Stanley P. Klein, Fairfax County Circuit Court, Fairfax, Virginia (2001-2002)
Bar Admissions
- Maryland
- Pennsylvania
- Virginia
Practice Areas