Back-To-School Reflections and Advices, by Dennis McAndrews, Esq., Founder and Managing Partner of McAndrews Law Offices, P.C.
Every year for the past 30 years, my wife, Elizabeth, and I have been involved with back-to-school activities for one or more of our four daughters. 2017 is the first year since 1987 that we have not transitioned into a preschool, grade school, middle school, high school, or college environment with at least one (and usually several) of our daughters. By the time that our youngest daughter was a senior in high school, we had participated in over 50 “Back-to-school nights” in our children’s various schools, and my wife and I used to joke that by that point we could stand before the assembled parents and present the program ourselves! Now that all of our daughters have completed their schooling and become gainfully employed, the temptation is genuine to “spike the football” and put back-to-school issues into my rearview mirror. But my work on behalf of children with disabilities at this time of year always brings into clear perspective the challenges that children and families face each year upon reentry into school. For many children, this process is seamless, reconnecting with friends and the excitement of new classes and extracurricular events, but for other children, the process can be intimidating and even overwhelming.
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