Joe McGettigan and Dennis McAndrews reuniting after the John duPont and Sanudusky trials and what is to come for McAndrews Law Offices
By Allison Steele, Inquirer Staff Writer, August 13, 2013
Joseph McGettigan assumed he was getting into a low-profile case.
“I thought, the guy’s a retired coach and not even head coach,” McGettigan said last week. “I thought it would get maybe three stories in the Centre Daily Times,” the State College, Pa., newspaper.
The “coach” in question, of course, was Jerry Sandusky, and McGettigan, the chief prosecutor, became a central figure in a case that became a national sensation.
As the Sandusky scandal exploded, eventually bringing down famed Pennsylvania State University football coach Joe Paterno and three of the school’s top leaders, it became a media spectacle that rivaled nothing McGettigan had witnessed since he prosecuted multimillionaire John E. du Pont more than a decade earlier.
Now, a year after a trial that enthralled much of the country and the sports world and ended with Sandusky’s 30- to 60-year prison sentence for child sexual abuse, McGettigan has stepped back into a more anonymous life at a law practice in Berwyn.
As a member of McAndrews Law Offices, he works alongside his former co-counsel in the du Pont case, Dennis McAndrews. He is focusing on cases involving victims of abuse that occurred in institutional settings, such as schools, colleges, and religious organziations.
“I love it,” McGettigan said of the job he has held since April. “I couldn’t be happier.”
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