Assessing the 2020-2021 School Year and Planning for 2021-2022:
Unique Considerations for Students with Disabilities
DATE/TIME: We will be airing this seminar on Friday, June 25th, 2021 at NOON on MLO’s YouTube Channel and via our electronic newsletter The MLO Minute. Email mcandrewslawoffices@gmail.com if you do not already receive our electronic newsletters.
PRESENTERS: Presented By Michael Connolly, Esq., Supervising Partner of our Special Education Department, and Henry Young, Esq.
ABOUT THE VIRTUAL SEMINAR: As families with school-age children take stock of their post-pandemic world, planning for the upcoming school year has become increasingly time-sensitive. This presentation will include a discussion of how to assess your child’s progress over the past year in the context of education services during the pandemic, how to determine whether your child may be entitled to compensatory education or COVID compensatory services, and when and how to start planning for your child’s 2021-2022 school year. Attendees will learn more about the importance of requesting evaluations and IEP meetings, specific signs to look out for in regard to regression, the value of reading throughout the summer vacation, what to expect for ESY, and more!
MORE: The presentation will later be published on our website , Facebook , and LinkedIn pages.