Resources for Reading and Phonics
Listed below are some of the many existing internet sites where teachers and parents can find resources for reading and phonics.
http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/ ~dkbrown/index.html |
Home to the Children’s Literature Web Guide |
http://www.apa.org/ppo/lyon.html | Testimony of G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D., on Children’s Literacy before the Committee on Education and the Workforce U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., Thursday, July 10, 1997. |
http://www.ciera.org | Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement – Provides free, research-based, practical information on early literacy acquisition and effective strategies for teaching reading. |
http://www.ed.gov/free | The U.S. Department of Education’s one-stop site for teaching and learning resources. Site provides 1) quick access to hundreds of teaching and learning resources across the federal government; 2) a place where teachers and administrators can form partnerships; and 3) information to support internet-based learning resources and learning communities. |
http://www.ed.gov.org | U.S. of Education online library- Access Educational initiatives, publications, and products, a searchable base and more. Links to other programs. |
http://www.ed.gov/inits/americareads | Website for the America Reads Project, a national campaign challenging every American to help all children learn to read. |
http://www.education-world.com/awards | Full of outstanding links that explore various educational topics. |
http://www.eduplace.com | The Role of Phonics – Position paper stressing the need for systematic phonics instruction. |
http://www.edweek.org | Site for Education Week online. |
http://ericps.crc.uiuc.edu/eece | Site for ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education |
http://www.indiana.edu/~eric_rec | ERIC Clearinghouse for Reading, English, and Communication. |
http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/ reading/reading.html |
This section of the LD Online website contains in-depth articles that focus on teaching reading to children with learning disabilities. |
http://www.naeyc.org | National Association for the Education of Young Children – An organization promoting excellence in early childhood education that is broadly focused on a variety of issues. |
http://www.nap.edu | Education books by topics – Chapters and/or pages available for listed topics. |
http://www.ncrel.org/info/curriculum/ | North Central Research Educational Laboratory, the literacy research and best practices section of this website leads to an area that shares successes and challenges of states, districts, and schools regarding literacy curriculum development, instruction, and assessment in literacy learning. |
http://www.ncte.org | Website of the National Council of Teachers of English has current articles and search engines to find topics of interest. |
http://www.nifl.gov | The National Center for Literacy has literacy resources with many useful links. |
http://www.pacificnet.net/~mandel | Tips by teachers for teachers incorporates classroom ideas plus suggestions for new teachers. |
http://www.place.scholastic.com/ instructor/index.htm |
Hands-on activities to use with students, classroom management strategies, freebies, and good deals to stretch the resource budget. |
http://www.readingonline.org | Electronic journal of the International Reading Association is intended to invite participation and to support the involvement of classroom teachers, emerging scholars, and others. |
http://www.si.edu/rif | Reading is Fundamental – Tips for parents and volunteers |
http://www.teachnet.org | TeachNet is sponsored by IMPACT III – The Teachers Network, an independent nonprofit educational organization that supports teachers who exemplify professionalism, independence, and creativity in the public school system. |
http://www.tiac.net/users/maryl | Keeping Kids Reading homepage is filled with ideas for making reading fun. |
http://www.nichcy.org | The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) – NICHCY serves the nation as a cental source of information on disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth, IDEA, No Child Left Behind, as well as research-based information on effective educational practices. |
http://www.floridainclusionnetwork.com/ | Florida Inclusion Network – The website entitled “Inclusion….Yours, Mine, Ours” is sponsored by the Florida Inclusion Network. This extensive sit includes information for parents and teachers, and a comprehensive list of books and journal articles. |
http://www.inclusiveschools.org/ | National Institute for Urban School Improvement (NIUSI) – NIUSI support inclusive, urban communities, schools, and families to build their capacity for sustainable, successful urban education by developing powerful networks or urban districts and schools that embrace and implement a data-based, continuous improvement approach for inclusive practices. |
http://www.wholeschooling.net/ | Whole Schooling – This site explores for options for inclusive education. |
http://www.specialeducationalneeds.com | Inclusion in Science Education for Persons with Disabilities – This site offers information on providing accommodations for students with a variety of disabilities in general education science classes. Eight general types of disabilities are presented across six science teaching methods: teacher presentation, laboratory, field, reading, discussion, and research (48 subsets). Over 800 teaching strategies are presented. |
http://www.uoecs.org/ | University of Oregon – This website is valuable fore its review of the research supporting the various aspects of inclusive practices. |
http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/index.html | University of Wisconsin- Website of the Waisman Center at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. This site includes information and resources for person with disabilities, their families an dthose who support them. The Family Village School section includes many valuable links to information on education and inclusive practices. |
http://www.uni.edu/coe/inclusion/ | University of Northern Iowa – The University of Norther Iowa provides valuable, in-depth information related to the research that supports the various components of inclusive practices. Also included are practical ideas and suggestions to guide school based teams through the various decision processes involved with an inclusive program. |
http://www.nrcpara.org | National Resource Center for Paraeducators |
http://wrightslaw.com | Wrightslaw – This site is popular with parents, advocates, and educators. It provides information regarding special education law and regulations. |
http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/ | Family Village- This site is a compilation of many links to resources to support inclusive practices. |
http://circleofinclusion.org/ | Circle of Inclusion- This is a site funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It targets inclusive programs for children of pre-school age through age 8. |
http://disabilities.temple.edu/index.htm | Temple University, Institute on Disabilities- This website offers information related to training events in and around Philadelphia. |
http://www.tash.org/index.html | TASH- TASH is an international association of people with disabilities, their family members, other advocates and professionals fighting for a society in which inclusion of all people in all aspects of society is the norm. TASH is an organization of members concerned with human dignity, civil rights, education and independence for all individuals with disabilities. They have over 30 chapters and members from 34 different countries and territories. |
http://www.infinitec.org/ all-learners/resources.html |
All-Learners’ ON-line Resource List- On-line resources for educators, administrators, and parents who are working to provide an inclusive education to all students. |
http://www.uni.edu/coe/inclusion/ | Inclusion- Information about philosophy, legal requirements, teaching strategies, decision-making, preparing for inclusion and inclusion resources. |
http://www.inclusion.com | Inclusion- founded by Jack Pearpoint & Marsha Forest who created PATH and MAPS person centered resource materials and “Circle of Friends” peer support programs. Inclusion resources include articles, books, newsletter, workbooks, DVDs, Videos and workshops. |
http://www.inclusionseries.com/index.htm | Inclusion Video Series- An award-winning program, widely used by educators, professionals, and parents in workshops, university classrooms, parent-teacher meetings, in-service training programs, and resource centers. |
http://www.help4teachers.com | Layered Curriculum (Dr. Kathie Nunley)- The site includes ideas and suggestions for including all types of learners in the classroom. |
http://www.normemma.com/ | Norman Kunc & Emma Van Der Klift- Norman and Emma have spent the last 20 years working to ensure that people with disabilities are able to take their rightful place in schools, workplaces, and communities. |
http://www.thearcpa.org/default.aspx | The ARC of Pennsylvania- The ARC is the largest advocacy organization in the United States for citizens with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities, and their families. The ARC of Pennsylvania is th state chapter of the The ARC. There are also local chapters. |
http://disabilities.temple.edu/ | The Institute on Disabilities UAP- Supports people with disabilities in their pursuit of interdependence, contribution, and inclusion through training, technical assistance, services and supports, research dissemination and advocacy. Changing systems so that Pennsylvanians with developmental and other disabilities can live, work, learn and play in the communities of their choice. |
http://www.psha.org | Pennsylvania Speech, Language, and Hearing Association- Advocate for the communicatively disabled and the professionals who serve them in order to ensure that the integrity of services is maintained. |
http://www.pattan.net | Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network- PaTTAN is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Bureau of Special Education. Support PDE’s efforts to lead and serve the educational community by offering professional development that builds the capacity of local educational agencies to meet students’ needs. PaTTAN’s primary focus is special education. However, services are also provided to support Early Intervention, student assessment, tutoring and other partnership efforts, all designed to help students succeed. |
http://reading.uoregon.edu/ big_ideas/au.php |
This website includes a definition of the alphabetic principle, research findings on phonics, a discussion of the importance of phonics, and instructions on how to sequence phonics skills. |
http://reading.uoregon.edu/ instruction/instruc._ap.php |
This website provides information on critical phonics skills and features of phonics instruction. |
http://www.texasreading.org/ tcrla/publications/primary |
This website allows readers to download a professional development guide on phonics and decoding instruction that includes strategies and instructional materials. |
http://www.nifl.gov/ partnershipforreading/publications/ |
This website provides an introduction to phonics instruction, including science-based findings and a discussion of different instructional approaches. |
http://www.ed.gov/ offices.oese/sasa/rb/slide009.html |
This website provides a discussion of phonics instruction, including research findings, different instructional approaches, and cautions about the process. |
http://www.nrrf.org/aboutphonics.html | This website introduces science-based phonics instruction and contains links to several papers as well as a list of phonics product companies. |
http://www.doe.state.in.us/ publications/phonics.html |
This website allows readers to download a “Phonics Tool Kit” booklet and includes video clips that explain the kit. The booklet provides reading strategies (including phonics) and contains practical tips for teachers. |
www.woodlands-junior.knet.sch.uk/ Games/mag/blank.html |
This website allows students to manipulate letters and create on-line letter or word magnets. This site is set-up to simulate a magnetic board or refrigerator. |
This website allows students to manipulate letters and create on-line letter or word magnets. This site is set-up to simulate a magnetic board or refrigerator. |
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