March 2021
The MLO Minute — Upcoming Free Special Education Presentations!
“ADHD and Special Education Services”
A free WEBINAR presented by Jennifer Grobe, Esq. of McAndrews Law, in conjunction with The Special Education Alliance of Cheltenham (SEAC)
DATE/TIME: Thursday, March 4th, 2021 from 7:00PM – 8:30PM
LOCATION: Zoom! This webinar is free, but registration is required because space is limited. Click here to register.
MORE: Talking Points Include 1.) Important information about the evaluation process, 2.) The difference between and IEP and 505 plan and how to implement with fidelity, 3.) Common related challenges (e.g., reading, writing and social)
“Navigating Special Education Services Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic”
A free CALL-IN IEP CLINIC hosted by the Special Education Department of McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse and Ryan P.C.
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 at 6:30PM (must call-in by 6:25PM)
LOCATION: Telephone! In this FREE Call-In IEP Clinic, attendees will have the opportunity to dial-in from the privacy of their home and hear from our special education legal team to learn more about special education services.
MORE: Space is limited. Registration required. Email Ally McAndrews, M.Ed., Director of Marketing and Outreach, amcandrews@mcandrewslaw.com by Thursday, March 4th, 2021 to reserve your spot. She will be emailing important call-in instructions the week of the presentation.
The first 25 people to RSVP will have the opportunity to speak individually on the phone after the presentation that evening with one of our special education attorneys for a brief one-on-one Q&A (10 minutes). When RSVP’ing, please note if you would like to be considered for this opportunity, or if you will just be listening to the presentation portion.
“COVID Compensatory Services”
A free WEBINAR presented by Nancy Potter, Esq. of McAndrews Law, in conjunction with ACHIEVA
DATE/TIME: Monday, March 15th, 2021 at 7:00PM
LOCATION: Zoom! This webinar is free, but registration is required because space is limited. Email koosterhous@achieva.info to register.