Estate Planning for People with Disabilities
WHEN: Tuesday, October 17, 2017
TIME: 6:00 pm
WHERE: The Arc of Lehigh and Northampton Counties
GUEST PRESENTERS: Alissa Gorman & Elaine Yandrisevits – Attorneys with McAndrews Law Offices, P.C.
Do you have peace of mind about the future of your loved one with a disability? Will he or she need lifelong care and support? What will that look like? Who will look after your child when you are old, disabled, or die? Who and how will your financial resources be handled? Do you have a will? Do you have a special needs trust or an ABLE account? If not, would you like to know more about financial tools to provide for your family member? Folks, there’s no time like right now to plan for the future!
Alissa Gorman and Elaine Yandrisevits, experienced attorneys with McAndrews Law Office, will discuss essentials of estate planning for children and adults with disabilities. Talking points will include:
· The Function of a Will (names guardian for minor children, names an executor, explains how property is to be distributed after death)
· Special Needs Trusts (there’s more than one kind!), how they work, & how they can be funded
· Duties of a Trustee -Will a family member be equal to the task?
· What on Earth is Meant by a Pooled Trust? Is it right for me?
· ABLE Accounts: How do they differ from trusts?
This presentation is free, but you must RSVP to Ramona Neidig at 610-849-8076, ext. 325 or rneidig@arcoflehighnorthampton.org. Seating limited to 20.