Watch McAndrews Law Offices’ Webinar: “Planning for Transition into Adulthood for Adolescents with Special Needs”
Watch this Zoom Webinar hosted by The Estates and Trusts Department of McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse and Ryan P.C. on “Planning for Transition into Adulthood for Adolescents with Special Needs”!
About the webinar:
This program will cover the latest updates regarding transition issues for individuals with disabilities with an initial focus on planning for students as their special education entitlement nears its completion and they move to adulthood. We will then discuss disability-related issues in higher education, vocational programs, residential programs for the development of adult living skills, and the mental health/intellectual disabilities/autism systems (MH/ID/Autism). The seminar will provide strategies for families to pursue appropriate services and include an overview of protections for persons with disabilities in employment.
Click the link below to view “Planning for Transition into Adulthood for Adolescents with Special Needs” and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel here!