The Special Education Department at McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse and Ryan P.C. continues to present “Special Education and COVID-19: A Free Virtual Seminar Series” in the upcoming weeks to assist families facing educational issues related to the current health crisis.
PART TWO “Special Education Due Process During COVID-19“: The second seminar of this series entitled “Special Education Due Process During COVID-19” will be presented by Michael Connolly, Esq., Supervising Partner of Special Education, and Heather Hulse, J.D., M.S., M.A. They will review the obligations of school districts under IDEA and Section 504 to students with special needs during COVID-19, and discuss issues that can be raised in the context of a due process hearing during the pandemic and how virtual due process hearings are moving forward.
DATE/TIME: We will be airing this first program of the series on FRIDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 2020 at NOON via our electronic newsletter The MLO Minute. Email mcandrewslawoffices@gmail.com if you do not already receive our electronic newsletters.
MORE: The presentation will later be published on our website , Facebook , YouTube , and LinkedIn pages.