December 21st, 2017: Prepay 2018 State and Local Taxes?
The MLO Minute Prepay 2018 State and Local Taxes? December 21st, 2017: A new comprehensive tax act was passed this week by the House and Senate. Originally, most tax professionals…
PA: Philadelphia / Berwyn / Scranton / Wyomissing / Pittsburgh / Central PA // DE: Wilmington / Georgetown // Washington, DC Metropolitan Area
The MLO Minute Prepay 2018 State and Local Taxes? December 21st, 2017: A new comprehensive tax act was passed this week by the House and Senate. Originally, most tax professionals…
Pay full state and local taxes in 2017, before we lose the deduction in 2018 By Erin Arvedlund, Inquirer Staff Writer What impact will new legislation have on our taxes for…
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage and Palliative Care Expensive Specialty Drugs Are Forcing Seniors to Make Hard Choices There is a growing problem with Medicare prescription drug coverage for seniors who…
Supported Decision Making in Delaware By Caitlin McAndrews, Esq., McAndrews Law Offices, P.C. Supported decision making as a concept is the idea that individuals with or without disabilities may look…
Retirement Savings Account Limits for 2018 Lost amid the uproar following recent news reports that GOP lawmakers are considering capping pretax 401(k) contributions at $2,400 annually — compared with $18,000…
“MLO’s Connections with Journalists” By Allyson McAndrews, M.Ed., Director of Marketing, PR, and Communications, McAndrews Law Offices, P.C. Since its inception in 1982, McAndrews Law Offices has maintained excellent relations…
McAndrews Law Offices, P.C. will be teaming up with The Arc of Lehigh and Northampton Counties for a FREE IEP Clinic! WHEN: Saturday, November 4th, 2017 TIME: 10:00am -1:00pm WHERE:…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nationally Recognized Law Firm will bring Successful Sandusky Prosecutor & Child Advocate Attorney to Speak at Lock Haven University McAndrews Law Offices, P.C. will bring two of…
McAndrews Law Offices, P.C. will be bringing Heather Hulse, JD, MS, MA and Joseph McGettigan, Esq., two of their renowned attorneys, to Lock Haven University to speak on children’s educational rights and…
“Five Reasons Why October is a Great Month for Estate Planning” By Dennis McAndrews, Esq., Founder & Managing Partner of McAndrews Law Offices, P.C. and Lesley Mehalick, JD, LLM, Supervising…