Help Is Available To Laypersons In Selecting An Injury Attorney
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When an individual is injured in any kind of accident – – automobile, workplace injury, slip and fall, medical negligence, or as a victim of a crime – – the most critical legal decision is the selection of the correct counsel to represent you. The extensive experience of McAndrews Law Offices in working with the best personal injury attorneys affords us a unique ability to match injured parties with an excellent injury attorney for individual situations. We assist clients in selecting the proper lawyer to handle cases involving injury, wrongful death, malpractice, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability and crime victim matters. This process costs the potential client no additional monies, involves no up-front costs, and in many cases increases the final recovery to the client.
Dennis C. McAndrews, Esquire, has been an attorney for over 35 years, and during his career he has worked collaboratively with dozens of major injury law firms in assisting injured parties in every type of case imaginable, including personal injury, civil rights, abuse, crime victim, Social Security, Workers’ Compensation, and Special Education. As a result of this work, Dennis has collaborated closely with the best attorneys in these fields. Mr. McAndrews can identify the best attorney to represent a client to obtain the most significant recovery for injuries. Virtually no other attorney in Pennsylvania is as uniquely positioned to guide injured persons to the very best attorney to handle their important matter.