June 2023:
The MLO Minute: “A New System for Filing Annual Guardianship Reports” —
By Dennis McAndrews, Esq., Founder and Managing Partner Emeritus, and Lesley Mehalick, J.D., LL.M., Supervising Partner of The Estates and Trusts Department —
As our guardianship clients are informed, Pennsylvania Guardianship Reports are due on an annual basis. Significantly, these reports must now be filed online via the statewide Guardianship Tracking System (GTS). The Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts has announced its GTS workshop schedule for the summer of 2023. These workshops, which are offered online via WebEx, provide court-appointed guardians an overview of the GTS and demonstrate how to file inventory and annual reports online. Dates/Times and registration information are included in the following schedule.
GTS Workshop Schedule: Summer 2023 (https://help.pacourts.us/GTSHelpDocs/GTS%20Workshop%20Schedule%20(Summer%202023).pdf)
We would encourage anyone who has been appointed as a guardian for an incapacitated person to attend a workshop to be best informed how to file these reports online.