Bullying 101 & How to be a Leader in Preventing Child Abuse
Tuesday, September 29th, 2015 · 7:00 pm · Kings College · Wilkes-Barre, PA
Children with disabilities are often subject to bullying & abuse. Many people are unaware that the Pennsylvania Legislature has adopted legislation requiring school districts to address bullying. Heather Hulse, JD, MS, MA will review current statistics, specific laws pertaining to children’s educational rights, & ways to address these issues with the school. Joseph McGettigan, Esq., the successful prosecutor in the trial of serial child sex abuser Jerry Sandusky, will lead the 2nd part of the night by taking the audience through the prosecution’s timeline. His discussion brings awareness to how child abuse can occur virtually anywhere & often times in institutional settings, such as schools or camps, while under the supervision & care of a professional adult.
www.luzernecasa.org www.McAndrewsLaw.com
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children of Luzerne County
Mission: To advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children under the court’s jurisdiction
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Luzerne County (CASA) is a 501c(3) non-profit organization that uses highly trained volunteers to become Advocates for abused and neglected children in Luzerene County. Advocates come in all ages and from all walks of life. They provide love, services, guidance, mentoring and representation in court. Advocartes are appointed by the judge with the authority of the court. Their mission is to report to the court the decisions necessary to make sure every individual child has the best chance to succeed in life.