Our Estate Planning Department is presenting a series of free virtual seminars in the upcoming weeks to assist families and professionals in coping with issues related to the current health crisis, while planning for next steps in the weeks and months to follow. This initial presentation entitled: “Estate Planning During COVID – 19: Top 10 Issues in Estate Planning, Estate Administration, and Special Needs Trusts” will be provided by Dennis McAndrews, Esq . and our Supervising Partner of Estates and Trusts, Lesley Mehalick, JD, LLM
DATE/TIME: We will be airing the first program on Friday, June 5th at NOON via our MLO Minute newsletter. The presentation will later be published on our website , Facebook , YouTube , and LinkedIn pages.
MORE: We welcome you to submit questions in advance of the presentation by emailing mcandrewslawoffices@gmail.com by 7:00pm, Wednesday, June 3rd. We will provide answers to as many questions as possible.